What is blood sugar?

Blood sugar comes from the food you eat. Your body mostly creates blood sugar by digesting carbohydrates into a sugar that circulates in your bloodstream.

What is the purpose of blood sugar?

Blood sugar is used as the primary energy source for cells. When there is more glucose than the cells need, it is stored as glycogen in various tissues in the body. The blood sugar that isn’t used as fuel or stored as glycogen is then stored as fat.

What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone that your pancreas makes to allow cells to use glucose. When you eat a meal that contains carbs, the amount of sugar in your blood increases. The pancreas senses this increase and releases insulin into the blood, telling your cells to pick up the sugar. This is how blood sugar reduces and balances in an insulin sensitive individual.

What is insulin resistance?

Sometimes cells stop responding to insulin correctly. Under this condition, your pancreas produces even more insulin to lower sugar levels, leading to more insulin in the blood. Over time, your cells become increasingly resistant to the insulin, resulting in a chronic increase of blood sugar levels and damage to the pancreas. This is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is incredibly common and effects nearly 1/3 of the U.S. population.

This information is purely educational and s not intended to claim that our product alleviates any problem listed above.

How can a supplement help with blood sugar?

STORMe helps support healthy balanced blood sugar levels. STORMe may not only help support healthy insulin levels, but it may also help improve the health of bodily systems that are impacted by heightened blood sugar levels. By supplementing with STORME with each meal, you will help to lower your peak and total glucose &insulin response by up to 40%

What does STORMe do?

STORMe blocks enzymes in the upper digestive system that break down sucrose and carbohydrates into glucose, for about 1 hour*. This directly reduces post-meal blood sugar and insulin excursions, supporting healthy blood sugar through improved ‘Time-in-Range

How should I store my STORMe?

It is recommended to store in a cool, dark area away from moisture.

Is STORMe safe?

We always recommend talking with your licensed healthcare professional first, as nutritional needs can vary from person to person. However, as a dietary supplement, each ingredient in STORMe is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA. If you have any further questions please consult your licensed healthcare professional.

Am I too old for STORMe to work?

STORMe has provided amazing blood sugar support for men and women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s. Because it was engineered based on teachings of modern science, the SENSOLIN formula is very gentle yet very good at serving its purpose at the same time.†

When can I expect to see results from STORME?

STORMe works immediately. Take a capsule immediately before a meal high in Carbs or sugars and your Carb/ sugar intake for that meal will be up to 40% less than then same meal without STORMe. If you wear a Continuous Glucose Monitor you can monitor the results through that. There is no benefit taking STORMe before a meal low in carbs such as salad or non starchy vegetables with meat. 

How do I use STORMe?

For optimal results take STORMe immediately before a CARB rich meal.

Is STORMe vegan or vegetarian? What about allergens?

The capsule is 100% vegan and contains no Gluten, Eggs. Fish, Peanuts, Soybeans, Dairy Products or Nuts and is formatted without and preservatives or flavourings.

Can I take STORMe with medication?

We always recommend talking to your prescribing physician before using any supplements to ensure that they are safe to take with your medical history.